Good Morning John Observing your video on Palin brings some questions. First of all I am not a big fan of this lady. With this said my question is. Are we the cause of "global warming"?
Does the Sun play a part in which we do not fully understand?
The Earth has been warming for the last 10,000 years or more, or we would still have great glaciers all over the United States. Man Has not caused this.
Can man influence his environment? YES! However it is more local then global. Case in point Love Canal, and the rivers which caught fire back east in the sixties and seventies. Some how I feel us to be very arrogant to think we can change all the atmosphere. Yes, these bears should be helped along, however how much of Darwin's theory are we playing with when it comes to survival of the fittest?
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts :)
As far as I understand, the movie "Inconvientant truth" scientifically shows that we have significatly if not totally caused the current warming as opposed to this being a natual "phase".
Besides, wouldn't you rather error on the side of doing stuff to help save/prevent the upcoming damages instead of just saying this is a "normal cycle of the planet" and sit back and do nothing?
Even if we actually can't prevent the "warming" effect, all our efforts to do so will simply have the side effect of producing less pollution and cleaner water - which would be a good thing by itself wouldn't it?
So, even if we can't prevent the warming, do you think it would be very constructive to convince people of that and they shouldn't waste their time trying to clean up the planet?
I like that Sarah self-destructed politically. She was an embarrassment.
I'm also pleased that the public finally accepts that global warning is real and that humans have some impact on it. And some ability to do something about it.
It's scary that a survival issue for us becomes a political issue with the Right convinced that it's a big conspiracy to get them. Weird.
Good Morning John
Observing your video on Palin brings some questions.
First of all I am not a big fan of this lady. With this said my question is.
Are we the cause of "global warming"?
Does the Sun play a part in which we do not fully understand?
The Earth has been warming for the last 10,000 years or more, or we would still have great glaciers all over the United States. Man Has not caused this.
Can man influence his environment?
YES! However it is more local then global. Case in point Love Canal, and the rivers which caught fire back east in the sixties and seventies. Some how I feel us to be very arrogant to think we can change all the atmosphere.
Yes, these bears should be helped along, however how much of Darwin's theory are we playing with when it comes to survival of the fittest?
Hey Dave,
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts :)
As far as I understand, the movie "Inconvientant truth" scientifically shows that we have significatly if not totally caused the current warming as opposed to this being a natual "phase".
Besides, wouldn't you rather error on the side of doing stuff to help save/prevent the upcoming damages instead of just saying this is a "normal cycle of the planet" and sit back and do nothing?
Even if we actually can't prevent the "warming" effect, all our efforts to do so will simply have the side effect of producing less pollution and cleaner water - which would be a good thing by itself wouldn't it?
So, even if we can't prevent the warming, do you think it would be very constructive to convince people of that and they shouldn't waste their time trying to clean up the planet?
I like that Sarah self-destructed politically. She was an embarrassment.
I'm also pleased that the public finally accepts that global warning is real and that humans have some impact on it. And some ability to do something about it.
It's scary that a survival issue for us becomes a political issue with the Right convinced that it's a big conspiracy to get them. Weird.
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